Announcement Concerning Terms of Participation in SPARTATHLON 2021 Special Edition 

Please make sure that you read the terms and conditions of your Participation for SP 2021 Special Edition.
SP 2021スペシャルエディションへの参加の利用規約を必ずお読みください。
The year of 2021 has been a difficult one as the Race had to be put off (reorganized) due to the Governmental Restrictions that COVID-19 brought forward. Those restrictions forced us to make decisions that you were made aware of in our email from September 4th, 2020 regarding the annulation of the SPARTATHLON Race of 2020, despite the fact that the Race was completely ready from all aspects.
The International SPARTATHLON Association’s Board of Directors, sensing their responsibilities towards the Athletes that have expressed interest to participate and fulfilled all the criteria for the SPARTATHLON Race of 2020, decided that, the Athletes that will participate in the SPARTATHLON 2021 (which will take place in September 24th and 25th) will come from the following four (4) groups that have been created from existing lists of 2020.

  • The 1st Group will consist of Athletes that have sent their Entry Forms and have paid their participation fees. The Athletes in this group will automatically participate, provided they haven’t cancelled their participation and did not request a refund for their participation fee.
  • 第1グループは、エントリーフォームを送信し、参加料金を支払った選手で構成されます。このグループの選手は、参加をキャンセルしておらず、参加費の払い戻しを要求していなければ、自動的に参加可能です。
  • The 2nd Group will consist of Athletes that only have sent in their Entry Forms. These Athletes (that have been already informed via email) will be able to participate provided they fulfil the qualifying criteria based on Section 2 of race terms 2020 and will pay for their participation fee until February 15th, 2021.
  • 第2グループは、エントリーフォームでのみ送信した選手で構成されます。これらの選手(すでに電子メールで通知されている)は、2020年のレース条件のセクション2に基づく資格基準を満たし、2021年2月15日まで参加料金を支払うことを条件に参加が可能となります。
  • The 3rd Group consists of Athletes that have neither sent in an Entry Form nor have they paid their participation fee. These Athletes were assumed to have cancelled their participation entirely.
  • 第3グループは、エントリーフォームを送信しておらず、参加料金も支払っていない選手で構成されています。これらの選手は、参加を完全にキャンセルしたものとみなされました。
  • The 4th Group includes the Athletes from the 2020 Waiting List. Those Athletes will be, in turn, called in to cover the remaining places, and provided, of course, that they fulfil the qualifying criteria based on Section 2 of race terms 2020 and will pay their participation fee before the deadlines that will be announced.
  • 第4グループには、2020年の待機リスト(Waiting list)の選手が含まれます。これらの選手は、(キャンセルがでた場合の)残枠を補完するために連絡を受け、もちろん、2020年のレース条件のセクション2に基づく資格基準を満たし、発表される締め切り前に参加料金を支払うことが条件で参加が可能となります。

In each case, the process of covering the remaining places for SP2021 to complete the 400 Athletes will only begin when the situation regarding COVID-19 improves both in Greece and globally.
As a consequence, in the year of 2021, NO new entry applications will be accepted, NO new draw will happen for this year, and NO new Waiting List shall be compiled.
The Terms of Participations for the SPARTATHLON 2021 Race will be the exact same as the ones that were announced for 2020, and you will be able to find them here.(ギリシャ本部)
SPARTATHLON 2021レースの参加条件は、2020年に発表されたものとまったく同じです。詳しくはこちら。
The Athletes that were called upon from the Waiting List and have failed to respond, will lose their right of a double lot for 2022.
The Athletes that were not called upon from the Waiting List will be given the right of a double lot for the SPARTATHLON 2022 Race.
For any further questions or queries, please contact us on
I.S.A. Board of Directors.
I.S.A. 取締役会
